Perkelt od soma

Perkelt je jelo slično gulašu porijeklom iz Mađarske. Stanovnici Baranje, koji dijele mnoge tradicije s Mađarskom, osobito kulinarske, receptu su dodali soma iz moćnog Dunava. Perkelt od soma poprilično je pikantan i jede se s domaćim rezancima i sirom.

Perkelt is a goulash-like dish originating from Hungary. People from Baranja, who share a lot of tradition with Hungary, especially in cuisine, added catfish from the mighty Danube to the recipe. Catfish perkelt is quite spicy and eaten in combination with homemade noodles with cheese.


Morana Zibar

Smaller than on TV. Her life consists of translating, writing, eating, drinking and being smart on pub quizzes. She hopes to transfer this passion on to her daughter.